
Spaventoso scontro frontale tra tram a Trieste

A rescued passenger of the Norman Atlantic ferry, is taken in an ambulance as he arrives in Brindisi southern Italy with the italian Navy San Giorgio on December 30, 2014. Eleven passengers dead, dozens unaccounted for and no-one able to say with any certainty how many people were on board the Norman Atlantic when it burst into flames. A Greek ferry tragedy in the Adriatic turned into a murder mystery on December 30 as a fiasco over the accuracy of the passenger list added to questions over safety systems aboard. AFP PHOTO / FILIPPO MONTEFORTE (Photo credit should read FILIPPO MONTEFORTE/AFP/Getty Images)A rescued passenger of the Norman Atlantic ferry, is taken in an ambulance as he arrives in Brindisi southern Italy with the italian Navy San Giorgio on December 30, 2014. Eleven passengers dead, dozens unaccounted for and no-one able to say with any certainty how many people were on board the Norman Atlantic when it burst into flames. A Greek ferry tragedy in the Adriatic turned into a murder mystery on December 30 as a fiasco over the accuracy of the passenger list added to questions over safety systems aboard. AFP PHOTO / FILIPPO MONTEFORTE (Photo credit should read FILIPPO MONTEFORTE/AFP/Getty Images)
(Photo credit should read FILIPPO MONTEFORTE/AFP/Getty Images)

Un tragico incidente che, fortunatamente, non ha portato gravi conseguenze. Due tram si scono scontrati a Trieste. I due mezzi collegavano Triste con Opicina e ancora non si sa la dinamica dell’incidente.

Sul posto sono immediatamente intervenuti i Vigili Del Fuoco che stanno cercando di mettere in salvo i feriti, circa 8, tra i quali i due autisti. Nessuno avrebbe però riportato lesioni gravi e tutti sono stati soccorsi e medicati dal personale del 118.


Selena Marvaldi

Selena Marvaldi, classe 1987, giornalista pubblicista. Appassionata di natura, viaggi in mare e cultura. Laureata in Informazione ed Editoria a Genova, porta sempre nel cuore la sua terra che ama raccontare nei suoi articoli

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Selena Marvaldi